Croissant and Earl Gray over a broken tram

Wholemeal croissants are a great invention because they allow me to enjoy them from time to time without having a big blood sugar spike (I have diabetes so I have to be careful with my food choices) and they are smaller than the regular ones. I fill them with smoked turkey breast and serve them with Earl Grey tea. It totally worthy of the Russian roulette that is to take the tram to the pastry shop. Due to the lack of maintenance and funding the tram is broken at least once a week. Yesterday was one of those days. It took me back a few years and I remembered the buses that broke down very often in Sofia and made me walk 3 km in very cold weather. As an expat in Bulgaria this made me particularly vulnerable to burgles because I standed out  from the crowd because I had some trouble in walking of the ice on the streets. Bulgarians seam skaters in an ice ring and walk very fast over ice-covered streets.

Back to croissants. I advise you to heat them in a toaster or in an oven so they are crunchy and warm. A great alternative to a savory filling is to make your own jam. I make sugar-free jam with frozen red berries, chia seeds, low-calorie sweetener and almonds (optional). Make small batches and keep them in the fridge. Yummy😋! You can also use this jam to give extra flavour to yogurt ou porridge.


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