250g de Ricotta 1 embalagem de queijo Philadelphia 1 iogurte natural 1 banana pouco madura 1 vagem de baunilha 2 folhas de gelatina sem sabor sumo de meio limão 4 bolachas Maria sem açúcar 100g de miolo de amendoa 1 colher de sopa de manteiga derretida Coloque de molho em agua fria as de gelatina […]
How to face the Hot Summer like a Mediterranean

In the last few months in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries we have had temperatures far above what we would expect in these latitudes. This situation requires people to adopt behaviours that would only be necessary during a vacation in southern lands. It is essential not to overheat and or dehydrate. With some very simple […]
Christmas season is here!

We were so excited to taste the famous Gløgg when we headed to Thorvhaller, but things don’t allways go according to plan. Then we made lemonade and ended having a much better experience in the proper Christmas Markets and Indre Streets, with a few stops to eat and drink coffee.
Pork, Shiitake and Coconut strogonoff

This is a variation on a classic. I replaced cream with coconut milk for extra flavor and tenderness. This mushrooms are so meaty and they remind me of a dish that my family served on my birthday. Mushrooms picked in the wood were shipped and traveled around 300km to our table. I made it a […]
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