Bolognese and Couscous stuffed Courgette

  • Ingredients for 1 serving:
    • 1 round courgette
    • 3 table spoons of fine grain couscous
    • 2 cheese slices ou 1 tablespoon of grated cheese
    • bolognese or other left overs to stuff the courgette
    • 1 tea spoon of chopped parsley
    • 1 pinch of salt
    • 1 pinch of oregano

Cut a lid out of the courgette and excavate it with a spoon to form a hole. Save the flesh and freeze it to use in other recipes. Season the inner side of the courgette with salt and pepper. Pour the couscous (raw) and add the parsley. Stuff with Bolognese, press to fill all available space and cover with the cheese. Bake at 200C till the cheese melts.

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