Banana, Almond and Oats Pancakes

Banana, oatmeal, almonds and cinnamon form the basis of this recipe. Ideal for a Sunday morning before leaving for stroll😋. Today I made a whole batch of delicious pancakes and served them with orange wedges. Strawberries aren’t in season yet so they are very expensive and not very fresh. Hubbie devoured it all and he doesn’t like bananas, so I guess they were great😊.

These pancakes are so easy to make. All you need is a scale and a blender to mix all ingredients.



  • 1 ripe banana
  • 90 g of wholemeal wheat flour
  • 20g of wholemeal oat flakes
  • 30g of salted almonds with skin on
  • 9 g baking powder
  • 230 ml milk
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • Cooking oil for greasing the pan


  1. Heat a nonstick skillet over low heat
  2. Chop the almonds in a food processor until you have a fine powder
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and beat until it forms a batter
  4. Grease the hot frying pan with a little oil
  5. Pour 2 tablespoons of batter for each pancake and cook until golden brown.
  6. Turn with the aid of a spatula.
  7. Cook till its brown
  8. Reserve.
  9. Repeat the process till you run out of batter
  10. You can serve with a nob of low-fat butter, chopped nuts, fruit and a dash of cinnamon or to be less caloric serve with Greek yogurt, nuts and berries or just with orange.



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